10 Emergency Supplies You Should Be Stocking
Whether it’s the Yellowstone Caldera, the California Super Earthquake, or the latest super germ, it never hurts to be prepared for the worst. Sometimes, however, it can be a bit overwhelming to make sure you have all your supplies secured, so here’s a nice checklist of the 10 items that should be in your future emergency shelter.
- At Least Three Months of Food Supplies
Whether it’s freeze dried food or canned, having a nutritious and long lasting food supply is one of the most important pillars to emergency survival. While water can be found in heater tanks or even a filled bathtub, having a safe supply of calories should be at the top of everyone’s list, it’s definitely at the top of ours.
- Water Purification
Whether it’s a fancy LifeStraw or just a drop of bleach per gallon of water, establishing a store of safe drinking water is essential for an emergency. Having some gallon jugs safely stowed in the basement or pantry will go a long way in case of a prolonged power outage or if services get cut.
- A First Aid Kit
One of the biggest dangers in an emergency situation is the break down of health care. If the roads are blocked or if there’s been a major calamity the hospitals will be unavailable to give treatment. Having enough supplies at home to be able to perform basic medical aid will do wonders towards ensuring the stability of your family’s survival environment. You don’t have to buy a prebuilt medical kit, follow this Red Cross Guide to make your own here.
- A Crank Radio
Keeping informed is essential in the case of a major emergency. Whether it’s knowing how the storm is progressing or where rescue/food is available, a crank radio guarantees that your family will know vital information even if the power lines fail.
- A Local Map
Just like the radio, a map means information. Without Google Earth, knowing how to get from Point A to Point B is quite a bit more difficult than before. Get a map of your local area, and in case you don’t already, learn how to use it, it might just mean the difference between staying trapped and getting to safety.
- Several Flashlights
If the power goes out and you need to turn off your power and gas, it really helps to be able to see. Keeping several flashlights, at least one for each person in the home, enables late night work and in general makes everything easier. Just make sure to stock plenty of extra batteries. You don’t want to be caught in the dark in case you end up home bound for longer than the AA’s can hold out.
- A Whistle
When the helicopters and rescue parties make their way through your neighborhood, whistling sure beats yelling. A whistle takes no maintenance or batteries and is a great way to signal and communicate, not to mention they’re cheap as dirt. Pick one up and keep it near your first aid kit.
- Entertainment
If you’re stuck at home for months waiting for rescue, or the volcano induced ice age to finally relent, you’ll need something to do. Whether it’s card, tabletop or dice games, having a variety of activities available will make life much more pleasant for your party of survivors.
- A Set of Multipurpose Tools
Maintenance and foraging both require good tools to break and repair, so a good set of equipment will go a long way. Make sure that you also have the tools needed to fix your tools if they dull or break. And whatever you do, don’t forget that magical substance, duct tape.
- Tradables
Whether it’s liquor, ammo, gold or any other non perishable good, the barter economy is going to make its comeback during the emergency so it’s good to be prepared. No matter how well you equip your home, there’s no question that something will be forgotten or left out, so it’s best to have supplies for trading with other groups.
We hope this list gave you a better idea of how to prepare for an emergency situation, and remember that old saying, “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.”