10 Ways To Make Everyone Hate You
There’s a lot of guides out there for making new connections, healthier relationships and better friends, but what if you want the world to despise you? Here’s 10 easy ways to become one of the most loathed and hated people on the Earth.
- Charge for Coffee Shop Wifi
Photo Credit: /u/dak0tah Free wifi has been an almost universal staple of cafés, but this one decided to charge the outrageous charge of 55 dollars for a month of internet. A+ method of making your customer base despise you.
- Put a Poor Child in “Lunch Isolation”
Photo Credit: /u/splatterhead This school’s policy is to keep the child of parents who can’t pay lunch bills in “Lunch Detention”, away from their friends and with only a bare minimum to eat. Unjustly punishing kids who belong to struggling families isn’t great for a school’s image.
- Offer this Candy Bowl At Your Next Party
Photo Credit: sooziq.com In the list of items that should never be mixed, Skittles and M&M’s are in the top tier. It’s a surefire way to anger your guests and ruin two delicious candies.
- Leave Your Extra Shopping on the Shelves
Photo Credit: /u/noneofyourbiness Walking back to the produce aisle can be tough. Next time you find yourself with extra items in your cart, just place them wherever you want and make someone else do it. Being lazy and being despised go hand in hand.
- Integrate Horrible Design into Your Projects
Photo Credit: sooziq.com The world is boring when it makes sense.
- Make Your Own Pizza Slices
Photo Credit: sooziq.com If your friends are crust lovers, substitute this method with carving off the entire crust and slowly slurping it like a spaghetti noodle.
- Graffiti Over Important Signs
Photo Credit: /u/Coffspring Bonus points if the sign warns about dangerous animals in the area.
- Deny People Cold Water
Photo Credit: /u/Notknow-knotnow Lukewarm should be good enough for anyone.
- Show Your Friends This Gif
Credit: /u/mrellio So close, yet so far. If you want to push harder, make sure you follow it up with requests to help out your Facebook and mobile games. Gotta get those extra lives!
- Be This Person
Photo Credit: /u/MatthewMSnider We’ve all seen him, but to be truly hated, you must become him.