Don’t Know What to Say? Let Me Help.

The modern age has grown increasingly fast-paced and nowadays we hardly have time to think out our responses. The following 10 words make great fillers while your brain catches up to your mouth.

1. Hmm…
This is a classic with many thinkers. “Hmm…” carries with it the connotation of deep thought occurring behind eyes. Best paired with a beard stroke and closed eyes, “hmm…” is a great intro word for beginner thinkers.

2. Umm…
Slightly less popular than the previous, “Umm…” is a more dangerous option. In the wrong hands, this word can sound like stalling. Make sure to know your environment so that “umm…” comes out as recollection, not reaching for straws.

3. Ehhh…
Great for showing disbelief or cynicism, “ehhh…” is great for showing your audience that you’re thinking, but also skeptical. As with all precise thinking words, only use “ehhh…” in the right context or you may seem aloof and rather snobbish.

4. Errr…
Perhaps the most animal sounding of these 10 thinking words, “errr…” is fantastic for demonstrating to your audience that you’re uncomfortable and looking for an exit to the conversation. Always a common sight at family gatherings and orientation events, “errr…” is an essential addition to your thinking word tool belt.

5. Then…
The story teller’s best friend, “then…” has carried many a forgetful tale to its conclusion. Be cautious using “then…” since it carries a great deal of risk. Should the enunciation last too long, your memory’s reputation may suffer immensely.

6. Nngh…
Without a doubt the strangest of the 10, “nngh…” is nonetheless a great tool for buying time and creating distance. While “errr…” made it clear that you are uncomfortable in the conversation, “nngh…” will make your audience want to leave you alone. Using these two in tandem, you should be able to make a hasty retreat from any affectionate aunt.

7. And…
Is your story over yet? Using “and…” means that no one in the room will know. While the “errr…” and “nngh…” end a conversation, “and…” can prolong it indefinitely. Whether it be anecdote or lecture, “and…” is the gateway to the joy of rambling.

8. Eto…
Being bilingual is always impressive as it demonstrates mastery and cultural awareness. While learning an entire language is difficult, stealing their thinking words is not. The Japanese word “eto…” shows that you are not only thinking, but you also have superior language skills to your audience.

9. Well…
Disapproval and pensiveness combined in one simple word. This is the gift that “well…” provides. Combined with a sour look and a slight eye-roll, “well…” is friend to both critical teenager and judgmental grandmother alike. Its universality is quite remarkable.

10. (silence)
Sometimes, instead of a word, a pause can serve just as well. By stopping the conversation on your own terms, you assert dominance and demonstrate that the social reigns are in your hands. Challenge yourself to see how long you can keep the silence in the room before your audience begins to shift their feet in anticipation.

With these ten in your pocket, you’ll be ready to face any moment when thoughts escape you and only words remain.

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